Economics: The User's Guide by Ha-Joon Chang | Book Synopsis

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Why you should read this book

This book very clearly explains why Economics is not just about a bunch of boring numbers. The economy affects our day-to-day lives. Whether you like it or not, economic transactions affect everything around you: from the clothes on your back, to the LED screens you’re reading this on.

The book clearly outlines:

  • How economics affects our day-to-day lives

  • Why economic transactions affect everything

  • How Economics has changed over the last few centuries

  • How society has been formed by laws and practices

  • Intensive lessons on specific economic mechanisms and what shapes our behaviour

  • Why and how sumo wrestlers cheat

  • Why a plane made of gold isn’t worth much

  • Why your saving habits could be costing others their jobs

The Book’s Key Messages

There has been a huge change in the economy over the last few centuries. People have changed, corporations have changed, and global trade has changed significantly. A solid foundation of economics is critical if you want to understand these concepts.

A recommended read for the aspiring economist.

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